You Searched for "words i write i write daily"

9 result found.

6 result found.

Ingram Spark Publication
Ingram Spark Publication

NGN 200000.00

We will help you publish via Ingram Spark to ensure a wider distribution of your book to major online stores.
Book Publication on Selar
Book Publication on Selar

NGN 50000.00

We will set up an account for you on Selar and publish your book on the platform.
Book Trailers
Book Trailers

NGN 50000.00

We will create a trailer that's specific to your story plot and genre so you can release alongside your book to boost awareness and create more attention.
Manuscript Assessment
Manuscript Assessment

NGN 100000.00

Be it at the draft stage, middle of the book, or the last stage of writing, we will professionally assess your manuscript and guide you through plot evaluation, character and settings overview, corre...

NGN 7.00

We charge 7 naira per word for all genres in fiction, as well as nonfiction. We provide quality content, fast delivery, and professionalism.
ISBN & Barcode Service

NGN 20000.00

We will provide you with an ISBN and Barcode for your book.

4 result found.

media image Customer Review

Customer Review

media image 5 Writing Tips

5 Writing Tips

media image Stop Violence Against Women

Stop Violence Against Women

media image How To Make a Scene More Engaging

How To Make a Scene More Engaging

5 result found.

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