About Us

At Zoba's Facilities, we are charged to revolutionise the publishing process. Gone are the days when writers have to go through a herculean task to have their books published. 

Zoba's Facilities was created to bridge the gap in publishing by giving a voice to the voiceless and raising their voices to be heard all over the world. We provide you the entire top- notch publishing package as a self-publishing service from manuscript assessment to professional editing, to cover design, digital, and print publishing.

Most importantly, we know the emotional journey an individual embarks on to release a book. We will work and walk hand-in-hand with you to ensure your dream of being published comes through and true.           

OUR MISSION: Get books published

OUR VISION: We strive to build a diverse global team and offer a wide range of services at affordable prices so writers can focus on what they do: creating and building worlds.

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