Frequently Asked Questions


Zoba's Facilities - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why Should I Work With Zoba's Facilities?

If your dream is to be published, Zoba's Facilities is here to meet that need. Be it in print, digital, or in e-book format, we will work hand-in-hand with you to see your dream work released into the world. 

Our team is equipped with innovative technical skills and know-how to see your dream come to fruition. Be you an aspiring writer or an upcoming one, we will meet your needs at every level. Your dream is our dream!

Is Zoba's Facilities  A Traditional Publisher?

Zoba's Facilities is a self-publishing company. 

What Happens To My Royalties?

Individuals who work with us are entitled to all profits and royalties accrued from sales. Our responsibility is to get your books published on online and print platforms where potential readers can have access to read your books.

Can Zoba's Facilities Work  With  Writers Outside Nigeria?

Yes, wherever you are all over the world, Zoba's Facilities will work with you. Distance is not a barrier. Communication is one of our strengths. We will always keep you in the loop and you will be abreast of each step we take during the publishing journey.

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